Tadalafil (Cialis): instructions for use
Cialis is a modern medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is believed that this is an analogue of Viagra. Actually this is not true. The effect of taking Cialis is slightly different from the action of the drug advertised all over the world. And yet - they have a different active substance.

Pharmachologic effect
The drug is based on the active substance tadalafil. It is a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor. The component selectively blocks PDE-5 without harming the body.
The drug relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow to the genitals. With sufficient sexual arousal, this provides a lasting erection.
If there is no sexual stimulation, Generic Cialis will not help. It is important that the man considers his partner attractive: then everything will work out. If an erection does not come after taking, think: have you missed the foreplay? The lack of natural arousal will lead to the fact that the use of pills will be meaningless.
Cialis does not affect other phosphodiesterases. It works selectively, blocking only those components that interfere with natural arousal. Therefore, the drug has no effect on:
- cardiovascular system
- liver function
- skeletal framework
The component does not affect the level of the hormone - testosterone. The effect appears only with sufficient sexual stimulation. The product starts working 15 minutes after oral administration and remains effective for 36 hours. The half-life is 17.5 hours.
The peak concentration of active ingredients is reached 1 hour after consumption. It is at this time that it is better to have sexual intercourse: the probability of misfire is completely excluded.
Recommended for
Erectile dysfunction is a phenomenon in which the strength and stability of an erection is not enough for a full sexual intercourse. Doctors make this diagnosis if the misfire occurs regularly. A single case cannot be a reason to believe that you need medication support.
Potency disorders are encountered by 69% of men who have reached the age of 50. The reasons are different - bad ecology, bad habits, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, high cholesterol levels, irregular sex life. The drug will help to cope with the problem, no matter what the reason is - physiological and mental.
Doctors recommend Cialis to groups of patients with the following sexual disorders:
- short or insufficiently stable erection
- decreased desire before or during sexual intercourse
- inability to bring sexual intercourse to completion
- low speed of frictions
- lack of orgasm
- impotence
Cialis: instructions for use
It is better if the treatment regimen is drawn up by a specialist. The doctor will select the correct dosage and take into account the individual characteristics of the body. If you neglected to visit the doctor, we advise you to carefully study the instructions. It usually contains answers to common questions. Recommendations cannot be neglected: this can provoke side effects.
The drug is taken orally. Cialis tablets are covered with a special shell, which ensures the full penetration of the substance into the body. The capsules are recommended to be taken whole, but if the dosage seems large, they can be divided into 2 or 4 doses. It is better to drink it with a full glass of water or tea.
Cialis: dosage instructions
The recommended dosage for first use is 20 mg. This is enough to understand if the drug is suitable. For a healthy middle-aged man, such a dose is enough to have full sexual contact.
If the effect does not appear, the dose can be increased. It is better to consult with a sexologist before that: he will tell you how much of the active substance will definitely not harm the body. A double dose of 40 mg is most likely optimal. Such a pill is guaranteed to help achieve results. If the dosage seems large, it can be split into two doses.
It is possible to take the drug in a course. In this case, the dosage will be less - 2.5 or 5 mg.
Generic Cialis: instructions for taking
If you follow the recommendations for admission, the likelihood of side effects is minimal. Doctors advise doing this:
- drink a pill half an hour before the alleged sexual contact;
- do not take a capsule with grapefruit juice. He has a similar principle of action, so such a decision can provoke an overdose;
- do not combine taking the drug with alcohol. A glass of wine is allowed;
- do not take more than 40 mg of the substance per day;
- take into account that fatty foods affect the absorption of the active substance. If the patient has a hearty dinner, the effect will appear, but with a delay.
Generic Cialis: effectiveness
The drug has been tested many times. Laboratory studies have proven that there are no components in its composition that can harm human health.
To prove the effectiveness, the manufacturers conducted a clinical study. It was attended by 4,000 men of different ages and social status. The tablets showed results in 80% of cases. The respondents said that they overcame erectile dysfunction and were able to regain confidence in their abilities.
In the course of the study, the researchers found that the generic drug does not provoke such side effects as increased blood pressure and changes in emotional state.
The advantage of generic Cialis is the duration of action. It is effective for 36 hours, and this compares favorably with analogues. Its other name is “weekend pill”. You can take the drug on Friday night, and it will work until Sunday morning. This allows you not to adjust the usual rhythm of life to taking medications.

Side effects of taking Cialis (tadalafil)
According to the instructions, negative reactions of the body are rare. Recent studies state that the drug Cialis compares favorably with analogues with a minimum number of side effects. Even if undesirable effects appear, they are transient and poorly expressed.
Typically, side effects will go away on their own. If your state of health does not improve within half an hour, it is better to consult a specialist.
Generic can provoke the following side effects:
- dyspepsia;
- headache;
- discomfort in the back;
- redness of the face;
- soreness in the muscles;
- nausea;
- nasal congestion.
Less than in 0.1% of cases after taking Cialis tablets in patients are observed:
- swelling of the eyelids;
- color perception disorders;
- tachycardia;
- nose bleed;
- rash;
- swelling of the face.
Combination with other drugs
Since Cialis tablets selectively affect phosphodiesterase 5, they must be combined with other drugs with caution. Some funds are able to enhance the effect of active ingredients, while others can suppress it. For example:
- Erythromycin, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Ritonovir enhance the effect of taking generic Cialis. If you regularly take such medications, the dosage of the drug for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions is best reduced;
- Drugs that increase the acidity of the stomach (antacids) slow down the absorption of the substance, but do not affect its effectiveness. This means that a man will be able to have sexual intercourse, but not 15 minutes after the pill was drunk, but an hour later;
- Doxazosin, combined with generic Cialis, can lead to dizziness and subsequent fainting;
- Patients who want to combine the use of medication with alcohol need to be especially careful. Ethanol works as a nerve impulse blocker. It slows down the action of the drug Cialis. Therefore, if you have abused alcoholic beverages, be prepared that the expected result will come only after sobering up. Most likely the morning after the party.
Contraindications: who should not take the drug Cialis
The tablets are not addictive, do not interfere with the reproductive system and do not affect hormonal levels. However, they are not allowed to everyone. The following categories of patients will have to refuse admission:
- women: Generic Cialis is not aimed at curing female sexual dysfunctions. The mechanism of excitation in women is arranged differently than in men, therefore, a different remedy is needed;
- men under 18 years of age: the reasons for the violation of potency at this age are usually associated with a psychological mood. Over time, erectile dysfunction resolves on its own. If this does not happen, see your doctor: he will prescribe the correct medication;
- those who take drugs with nitrates;
- if there is an increased sensitivity to the components of Cialis. To make sure you don't have one, have a medical examination. An alternative is to start with a minimum dose of 2.5 mg and observe your condition.
Special instructions: what you need to know before taking generics?
High sexual activity can harm men with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, these patients need to be careful to use Cialis tablets. The medicine itself will not harm, but subsequent sexual intercourse can lead to negative consequences.
You need to be careful with the stronger sex, who:
- have experienced a myocardial infarction and less than 3 months have passed since the illness;
- have a rapid heartbeat during sexual activity;
- have suffered a stroke in the past six months;
- suffer from uncontrolled heartbeat disorders or regularly encounter arterial hypertension.
The compatibility of the drug and alternative treatments for impotence has not been studied. Therefore, experts advise to abandon such a combination for those who have chosen pills.
Generic does not affect the ability to drive a car or complex technical equipment. However, attention deficit is sometimes on the list of side effects. If you do not feel confident, it is better not to drive.
Cialis tablets: result
The main thing is to follow the recommendations for admission: then the drug will not cause harm. It is great if the application is preceded by a consultation with a sexologist or urologist. Specialists will carry out the necessary tests and make sure that the treatment is safe but effective.
Cialis is a powerful remedy that has proven its ability to cope with any potency disorders. It is chosen by men around the world as a more modern and softer alternative to Viagra. The minimum number of side effects, convenient dosage and prolonged action: this is what distinguishes the generic from analogues.